cicadas concerto

2020, aug 05 (wed) 12:45pm
filed under photography

rainy days had left, the heat took over. abruptly, overwhelmingly. that's japan summer for you, you wake up one morning and say 'hello summer, finally here, eh? easy on me this year, will you?'. and then you felt the heat, you know the summer's saying 'not gonna happen'.
i took the fan out of ceiling storage, where it will come back after a brief usage in the hottest month or two and stay there most of the year.

i was in front of the subway entrance and decided the wallet was in the other bag, 'great, instant noodle for lunch then. alright.', then went back to the park before heading home. the heat made it easier to wander in the park but impossible to go back home for the wallet and head out again. i wont be able to go back in time for afternoon work either.

cicadas had woken up from their long slumber and started singing right away in the heat of summer, briefly.
i like staying in the park to find their abandoned skin, just to look at them for a few seconds and absentmindedly listen to theirs concert.
i wanna go somewhere. still thinking about where i'll go, i guess it'll be like usual, thinking about somewhere on a wimp then just pack up and go. i'll see.

wild cat

mid-summer days birds on the wire